Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Children of Light

If night then midnight, if day then noon
Light showing our actions by sun or by moon

Day by dawn throws light on or world
One's duties and virtues before them unfurled

Night by dusk cloaking thoughts and acts
Conceived in the day while facing the facts

Yet moon does not rule even when full
It borrows its light for alone it is dull

The Sun has a witness even at night
Its light reflecting downward still lending some sight

Men walk about down here in lights of our own
Dark places like cages leave us alone

So dimly, so dimly we light up our haunts
Our roadways and allies illumined for jaunts

What plans have you made o pilgrim of night?
Your intentions aren't clear as these lights aren't bright

But I can tell you this as right here we stand
You had better consider the deeds you have planned

Look up and you'll see the moon glowing now
Though faintly-- still showing the mire and sow