Fill me with zeal unyielding, unbending;
Fill me with love undying, unending.
Burn in my soul Thy convictions O Lord!
Cut at my sin with Your Holy Word!
Tis' mystery and mercy that you chose to save any,
but yea, much more- you vow to save many.
It is not a new theme, it has been planned since forever,
that we would gain Christ as our eternal treasure.
Oh God, with fervor reign down on my soul,
white-hot fire from heaven and revive these dead coals.
Bring reality upon me with such weight and pressure,
that my pride and my will are lesser and lesser.
You sit in power enthroned in truth!
I sin in doubt and live cold--aloof.
But Oh, God of Heaven, this earth you have made,
and from your presence no man has found shade.
So crush me Lord Jesus, who paid all our debt!
Mold me and form me lest I should forget,
who owns this life and demands my all.
Morning, each morning to answer your call!
Nice man, I really like this.